Meet Dr. Lucy Haile, originally from the charming town of Bicester, England. Her remarkable journey in veterinary medicine commenced at the Royal Veterinary College in London. In 2016, Dr Haile made the move to Virginia to be with her husband, Alex. Her passion for exotic animals led her to pursue an enriching internship at the renowned Pender Veterinary Center’s Exotics Department in Fairfax prior to settling in Richmond, Virginia.
Dr Haile’s passion lies in two key areas: exotic animal medicine and preventive care. She is a staunch advocate for the well-being of all pets, whether they are furry, feathered, or scaly. Dr Haile’s mission is to inspire pet owners to prioritize wellness and make regular visits to ensure their beloved companions enjoy a life of happiness and good health.
Beyond her veterinary practice, Dr. Haile finds both solace and exhilaration on the rugby field, where her determination and teamwork shine brightly. In addition to her sporting endeavors, she plays an instrumental role in the administration of Operation Catnip, a local charity dedicated to the welfare of feral cats. Her involvement extends to the vital work of spaying, neutering, and vaccinating feral cats, exemplifying her unwavering commitment to the well-being of all creatures.